colorblast series
Hello all! I am continually finding myself wanting to post photos with extended captions on facebook- and then I think- this is what I have a blog for.
Some of you may have seen a FEW of these before if you follow me on instagram (@butterflyal). Some of these shots though I haven’t shared yet!
The color blast series is inspired by things I love and want to draw and how color and object can come together in a most usual and appealing way. I make them using dark brown micron pens and BRIGHT water colors.
The other day I posted this photo of the Santa Cruz Boardwalk.
The day (or 2?) before that I had made this little number:
A friend pointed out how similar they are and I was totally blown away. I don’t know that I can wholly explain why but I think it has to do with the Oscar Wild Quote “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life” thing.
The process of making these pieces is much larger than sitting down and drawing but here is a little peek and the creation process.
Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!
I want to see those beetles when they’re done! I love it already! Will you be selling prints of any of these?
Thank you! I will keep you posted on their progress. I will be selling prints once the series is done and photographed on Etsy (including notecards). I’m also having a show of the series at Ohmega Salvage on San Pablo if you want to come by and check them out. The opening will be Oct 11 from 3:00-5:00pm.
Cool! Yes I want to come. I’ll put it on the calendar. I LOVE the note card idea. 🙂