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July 23, 2012 / alice

reining in the speed of time

summer is flying by and time is filling up before it even happens. this weekend  i have been trying to slow down, to flutter around and enjoy everything. i spent time alone in a place i love so deeply and photographed one of the my favorite spots.

often when i travel i leave a camera behind.  i tend to get so caught up in taking pictures that i dont look at the experience as a whole but in little segments.  i always try to capture every last bit of what i am seeing but this is usually futile– things rarely look the same through a camera lens as they do in real life.

on the other hand- taking pictures forces me to slow down though. sit and look for the best angle. clicking away looking through a lens works to capture  images, moments, glimpses of experiences, and tethers time into an image.

here are some of the images from an afternoon of unhurried time.

the branches with they’re crickle crackle whisper, speak to each other

and the eucalyptus leaves fell

its easier to love myself when i love where i am standing

sometimes when we take that leap- it feels like we’re flying

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