the creative process or lack there of
i always want to write about the creative process and how to get unstuck from a block in creative action. creative action and processing is a topic i find extremely fascinating and a place i want to grow in my work with others. this week though- i myself have been stuck, blocked, spinning my wheels and drowning in desire to move forward in my personal and school projects. i have been wanting to create motion so badly i think that the opposite has happened. i have become more stuck. like an old school Chinese finger trap toy.
the funniest part of this whole thing is, all of my tricks and tools i want to share with others about getting unstuck have escaped me. i cant think of them, i cant find my notes or anything i have commented on with the info!
so let me tell you all the things i have been doing to try to get unstuck (albeit some healthier than others)….
going to yoga
repotting house plants
thinking, thinking and more thinking
avoiding the subject entirely
getting angry with myself
staring blankly at my art work, blog, homework, empty word doc
the truth is, all of these things are part of breaking through this place of creative in-action. once i get some momentum i will share with you (and my future stuck self) everything i know about moving through the creative process. and you know what? i think writing this blog is another step in the right direction…
happy sunday everyone!
i welcome you to share anything that this stirs inside you!
Congrats ! This post is creative. I think you are on your way forward . קדימה!