latest avenues of artistry
I often find myself wanting to explain what avenues of artistry means to people. Right now I am really FEELING what it means. Being caught up in getting my classroom ready, moving, and harvest season has left me feeling like I haven’t been doing “enough” and even inadequate at moments. Instead of shying away from these feelings I want to share them with you because I know everyone has these feelings– especially us creative artsy types. In the world of MORE we live in it is so easy to get caught up in the “not enoughness”. There will always be more to want but part of our spiritual work is to feel the wholeness that exists within us where ever we are in our journey. Of course we can always ask ourselves to continue to growing but it is important to also acknowledge and love ourselves in our present state.
Last night while making a beautiful fall inspired dinner I realized I am living the creative life I want to live. Avenues of artistry is about finding the creative angle, attitude, and joy in every aspect of life. Being an artist is more than being an artist in your work space. It’s about living with whimsy, love and play– by this definition everyone is an artist when living life whole-heartedly. I wanted to honor and share with you all the things I have been working on to get grounded in my new space and through this transition that have been my avenues of artistry. I hope this will inspire you to make a beautiful meal, start a new project and dive in to your artistic side wherever you are in your journey.
- close up of screen before sanding
- after
- screen in action
Kitchen Artistry
- little projects
- lacto-ferment gingery carrot pickles
- heirloom bean, squash & kale soup
* this post is a cheers to you my beautiful friend who is an intellectual, healer, ninja and lover of the arts who taught me to laugh loud when I needed it most, be silly at inappropriate times and to dive deep. Love you always & know how wonderful you are now and keep doing what you love.
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