February 29, 2012 / alice
do’s and don’ts for celebrating February 29
i went to bed last night thinking about leap day. i was so excited to post about this i lost sleep over thinking about what to post. i couldn’t resist. i woke up to find other posts and articles on this as well. i apologize in advance to those of you who aren’t particularly optimistic. but it’s leap day! i’m hoping you will thank me later.
- smile- you have en extra day for chances at amazingness! maybe it will help you have better luck parking. or maybe someone will offer to let you cut them in line. the possibilities are endless. smiling is also good for you.
- get outside- where i am it’s raining but it would still be nice to spend 5 min outside appreciating, the cold wet rain and how the world looks through this lens.
- creative opportunist – whatever your passions are use this an excuse to get in some extra time with one of them.
- make a phone call- well that may be passé for some of you reading this. my thought was- who do you miss that you haven’t talked to in a while? reach out to them. say “hi” and if nothing else- wish them a “happy leap day!”
- be quiet- ponder where you are at this moment on this planet and think…. why? (or why not?) maybe even write those thoughts down.
- wear your favorite things- who doesn’t need an excuse to wear their favorite things just one extra day? my day can be made or broken depending on if i am comfortable in what i am wearing…. right down to my undies.
- health is wealth! – do something nice for your body (i’ve listed some mind stuff above), whatever that means to you! stretch, move, appreciate.
as a caveat- if what you need today is some extra time for nothing, take that instead. listen to yourself. find what you need, and take it!
- don’t take today for granted. it only comes every four years.
happy leaping & enjoy your extra day!
Leapin’ lizards!
Very uplifting.
I LOVE this post! Great advice, great humour, great pictures!