day #2
second day of meditation! today was a busy, busy day with traveling out of town for Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is the Jewish holiday of atonement where we ask forgiveness of other, ourselves and/or of the creator. it seems timely that i began this meditation practice as this time of year, focusing on introspection as we head into the fall harvest and winter.
today’s sitting was slightly easier and i feel proud that i was able to follow through with an early morning practice before the day began. the first twelve minutes of my practice was easier than the next 5 minutes. and the last few minutes of sitting were the easiest as i sat there reveling in the silent spaciousness. enjoying the time.
i won’t be posting tomorrow since it is a holiday, one of the most holy days of the year in Jewish tradition. but i will be posting for both day 3 and 4 on Sunday!
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